Friday 3 March 2017

Masturbation facts: Side effects of masturbation-BurnuppGH

Masturbation is in-built in men and women practice it coyly. But you can’t escape masturbation, it is part of life. There are certain facts and rumours in-relation to masturbation that you cannot avoid. We break the ice on this taboo topic.

Masturbation has positive side effects that you will agree too:

1. Relief through ejaculation
2. Climax for fun and pleasure
3. Induces sleep
4. Relaxes you
5. Eases tension

It is important to be gentle on your genitals to avoid sores and help you get back to normalcy.

There are few negative effects of masturbation, these are:

1. Masturbation lowers sperm count, reduces your chance of conceiving.
2. Frequent masturbation will take longer to satisfy you and for you to ejaculate. Space it out.
3. If your hands are rough, your genitals will have scratches.
4. Vigourous movements will cause swelling too.
5. Social stigma on the act of masturbation can lower your morale.

Myths on masturbation:

1. You will not grow hairy palms when you masturbate.
2. Nor will you develop acne for masturbation.
3. There is lack of evidence that regular ejaculation will affect your erection.

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